In addition to your virtual tour you get more benefits
More visibility
Achieve up to twice the visibility of your hotel
But visits
Attract more customers by getting more visits
We put your school on the map!
The virtual tour of your economic school
Maximize your presence on Google immediatelytor
The listing with your business details will appear in a privileged place within the Google search results.
Get more visibility on Google.
The information sheet of a business achieves up to 200% greater visibility in search results, as well as 48% more user interaction.
Keep control of your information on Google
You manage your hotel information on Google, phones, website, pictures of your carrousel and more.
The control is yours.
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Slide title
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Úsalo en tu website y redes sociales
Inserte el recorrido virtual del hotel dentro de su website y redes sociales con esta maravillosa herramienta que le permitirá convertir los visitantes de su recorrido virtual en clientes.
Realice campañas de Emailing con Click2Buy
Inserte un link al Click2Buy de su hotel en sus campañas de Email y llegue a sus posibles clientes de una manera atractiva y novedosa
Share Custom Views with Click2Buy
With the press of a button, generate short links to distribute your images in the point of view you have selected.
You pay only once without monthly payments or click charges
Te presentamos algunos de nuestros clientes que han confiado en nosotros para la realización de su Google Street View